Thursday, February 10, 2011

Recruiters: Don't Forget To Breathe! (part 2)

Following on from last week's post, here are a few other times recruiters should take a deep breath before reacting...

Your Manager informs you they're giving half your client base to someone else.
Before you panic, remember: Managers don't want anyone to bill less money. Every decision is made because they think it will improve results. (This doesn't mean that every decision will, but the intent is there.) Their logic may be that splitting your area will allow you to focus your efforts on a more clearly defined market, or give you more time and resources to mine particular accounts. Your current client base may be spreading your efforts too thinly.

Consider how much revenue (not just activity!) the clients you'll be 'losing' generate for you. Do the results justify the input? Think about how much better your results may be if you spent that time on other clients. Sometimes losing a client that you perceive to be 'yours'' actually frees you to work on more profitable roles.

Beware of the 'my' client mentality. It may be a valid response if you fought months of cold-calls and objection handling to win an account, but less so if you also inherited clients or contacts at some point.

If you decide, objectively, that you do not want to lose a client, the best approach is to 'sell' the idea to your manager. Don't just state the problem (I don't want to lose this client); explain why, and present alternatives. Show your manager how these alternatives will help them to achieve their goal- i.e. increase overall billings - and they are more likely to be persuaded than if you throw a tantrum. Tantrums might work on some managers in the short-term but people don’t forget them, and they’ll affect how your employer and colleagues view you going forward.

I have heard of situations where managers take clients from consultants, to work on themselves, because of an aversion to BD. In these very rare cases, if you've raised your concerns and your manager will give you no valid reasons for their actions which are costing you money, it may be time to find a new manager....

Your client wants to interview the 'walking-placement' candidate you submitted... through your competition.

First of all, be honest with yourself. Is this 'your' client? Floating a resume to a cold prospect does not automatically mean the person is obliged to interview that person through you... (Lawyer Alex Moriarty's recent comments on Recruiter Daily give a legal view on this ) If you do float to cold prospects, remove information that makes it easy to track the candidate directly (or through an existing supplier), pick up the phone to build relations with the prospect, and ensure you have a mutually beneficial relationship with the candidate who is bought into the floating process.

If you have a relationship with the client, ask them their reasons for wanting to use another supplier. They may be legitimate. If not, and you've done your job properly (sold the role to the candidate, used proper channels for submission and so on.), avoid taking a threatening stance. Even if you get a result this time, they - and the candidate - will be unlikely to use you again and will discourage others from doing so. (If the client is truly dodgy you decide you don't want to work with them again making future business less of a concern.) Instead, clearly state the benefits of working with you: the candidate sees the client as well organised and professional; the client knows they are working with an ethical supplier and shows others that working outside of process isn't tolerated. If your client is being bullied by another supplier, remind them that they are the client, and question how valid the other supplier's threats are. Keep your candidate onside during the process and remember; their objective is to find a job. The more attractive options you have for them, the more likely they are to work with you.

In current candidate-short markets, this is an increasingly-common scenario and it highlights the importance of building mutually beneficial relationships with clients and candidates, selling the benefits of floating to both parties and ensuring you have candidate buy-in on submissions. It also shows why actively pursuing exclusive candidates is essential, and why you should always aim to have multiple attractive options for your candidates.

Next time: How to sell exclusivity to candidates.